British government will ban, by mid 2017, the use of micro plastics in cosmetics. This is the consequence of an inquiry promoted by Greenpeace and backed by more tan 350,000 citizens that have pressed to achieve an action that had previously been carried out in the USA.
¿What are micro plastics in cosmetics?
Some cosmetics, like exfoliating gels, detergents or toothpastes contain plastic microspheres, with less than 5mm of diameter, that end up in the water cycle and that are highly polluting for our oceans.
Although it might seem a small thing, the truth is that it is calculated that only the USA can pour more tan 8 billion plastic microspheres per day.
Even though the ban will not be implemented until mid 2017 and will only affect cosmetics, in spite of Greenpeace complains, that believes it should be extended to other products, like detergents, British consumer associations have asked consumers to start leaving them aside immediately and to avoid all of those containing Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) or Polyethylene terephthalate (PET). As a matter of fact, without waiting for the ban, some supermarket chains have already joined the campaign and will stop selling products containing micro plastics.